Use your single-letter domain as the communication ID, instead of phone numbers or email addresses.
The platform allows users to communicate securely and privately with voice calls or video calls.
Currently only supported on iOS devices. Click the icon and download.
* Customers who do not use the Lease option, please report your TBOLT code here after downloading the application.

May 2, 2024
Easily share an image from your gallery to keep your conversations vibrant and engaging.
Never miss out on important updates! We’ll notify you about crucial app updates as soon as you open the app, ensuring you're always up to speed. -
Apr 12, 2024
Now, you'll know when your pal is typing a message. Stay engaged in your conversations with real-time updates.
Never lose track of an important contact again! You can now add people to your contacts list, remove them, or share their contact domain names across different apps with ease. -
Mar 16, 2024
You can see when the user you are chatting with was last online. If you prefer not to have this information about yourself visible to other users, you can turn off the 'Show as online' toggle in the settings. -
Mar 13, 2024
- You no longer need to keep the app open to complete the onboarding process.
- You can cancel the onboarding process at any moment.
- Improvements to messages and permissions -
Feb 28, 2024
Now, you can know if someone has received and read your messages; this option can be disabled or enabled back in settings.
Improvements to permissions for you to manage them easily.
Improvement to calls:
- you can hear our ringtone clearly while you wait for the other person to answer the call;
- your call history will be updated with all your calls even the missed ones. -
Feb 14, 2024
Improvements in several app features like onboarding, calls and messages.
Manage app permissions more conveniently.
In Recent Search, you can now see your contacts ordered by the most recent searches -
Jan 23, 2024